Monday, November 06, 2006

I've set an appointment for a photo shoot this Thursday. My current photos are out of date at about a year old. I do hope the changes in my body are evident with the new photos or I will be very disappointed. Photographs are tricky. I'm not convinced that a picture speaks a thousand words. I think it speaks about 500, the other 500 are spoken in person.

In addition to new photos, my website is being updated, as well. I'm not doing a complete overhaul, just some cosmetic changes to shake things up a little. Hopefully, the photos and the website won't take more than a week to do. If you are interested in receiving an email when the finished product is available, please send me a note at or and I will be happy to do so.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A picture does speak a thousand words. It's just that some of them are lies.

10:40 PM  

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