Monday, September 18, 2006

If I receive one more email about my September 8th post (INTP personality type, or more interestingly, Architect Rational) about how a person in my position couldn't or shouldn't be an introvert . . .

Introverts have a bad rap and are assumed anti-social and unhappy. This is no truer than for extroverts. I do prefer smaller groups of people I know or one-on-one interactions. I value time alone and have never felt lonely on a quiet Friday or Saturday night by myself. However, I am social and maintain a large network of friends and past colleagues and don't consider myself particularly shy or uncomfortable around strangers. I am not bothered much by new situations with new people or public speaking (as long as I know my subject inside and out). But, I do need plenty of time to collect my thoughts and recharge between social engagements. We are a thoughtful bunch, afterall.

There are qualities in an introvert when it comes to courtesanship (if you can think of a better word, please let me know):
  • While introverts avoid social situations with large numbers of people, they tend to enjoy intense, one-to-one or one-to-few social interactions.
  • Extroverts may talk in a confused manner as they are always emotional and their emotion never being controlled. At the same time the introverts communication will be more clear and in polite manner.
  • There's always something to talk about as 60 percent of the world’s best minds have been introverts,
  • We're good listeners and we think before we speak.

Like much of the population I am most likely somewhere in the middle (an ambivert) but lean toward an introvert. An ambivert is someone normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have met you and think this is right-on. You are a wonderful listener but also very engaging. I sometimes find extroverts (or extraverts) annoying when they cannot shut-up or when they spill their life story, the good and the bad, within the first ten minutes of meeting. While I adore a friendly woman who is fun and easy to be with, a little bit of mystery goes a long way and keeps me coming back for more. I have the feeling that no matter how many times I see you, each visit will be exciting and new as I learn something more about you. You remain a mystery, Kate, and I cannot figure you out. I like it!

Keep doing what you're doing, don't worry about this or that personality trait because the whole package is absolutely wonderful.


3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Kate's follow-up on introverts..that is what we love about you Kate. And your beauty, too.

To previous comment, Amen!

Kate, my times with you have been perfect: from my point of view there is nothing else I would have wished for on this earth. (Oh, one thing I suppose - I wish the times had been longer. My fault, not yours.)

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ambivert? A new term for me, but I like it. It could be used to describe me also. I agree with you on the negative rap us introverts get. While I can get up in front of a crowd and speak or deal with a group of people, I would much rather be by myself or with a small group of like minded individuals.

12:05 PM  

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