Sunday, October 15, 2006

Everyone in Seattle is so friendly. There is no honking, people open doors for strangers, apartment buildings have parties, it's not uncommon to receive a smile from someone on the street, friends are made easily and customer service is excellent compared to other parts of the country. It's refreshing, actually.

There is one small segment of Seattle that I'm finding quite abrasive. Based on my experience with the people of Seattle so far, I was surprised to find a guilty until proven innocent attitude among the local review board. It all started with a short note posted on the board to say, "Hi, here I am." That note turned into something I surely did not expect. Confusion ensued, wildly incorrect accusations flew and despite trying to smooth things over, it did not go well.

In addition to these problems with the board owners/moderators, there have been board members taking things completely out of context with regards to one of the options I offer to gentlemen suitors. Basically, people are making assumptions without reading my website, that assumption being that the pre-date introduction is a requirement, and a shady one at that. The pre-date introduction is clearly spelled out on my website and in the year that it's been there, there has never been a question from anyone at all about whether or not it was required. Why now?

So, for the record, the pre-date introduction is an option for those gentlemen who would like to get to know me before committing to a date. It is an option, I repeat, an option, and not a requirement. The option was not dreamed up one day out of the blue while thinking of ways to screw people out of their hard-earned money but requested time and time again by gentlemen suitors. Adding the option was more about customer service than clever marketing.

It's frustrating to me that I am being treated so poorly and as though I'm new to the industry (which means everyone must be leery) when it would be incredibly easy to research my past board contributions and reviews and find out that I am not a troublemaker or a schemer. Over the past two-plus years I have carried an excellent reputation both with the ladies and gentlemen of this industry and frankly, don't deserve such foul treatment.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your rough introduction to the Seattle "scene". Read? Why the hell should they do that when there is drama to stir up. I've seen the same treatment handed out on other boards to "newbies". It can be quite contentious with all of the associated drama of the web based community and some of the creatures that inhabit it. They seem to thrive on drama for drama's sake (in other words they have no other life). Good Luck!

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems perfectly normal and probably a good idea to have an introduction option. It seems like a good way to conduct a low risk interview and determine if there is a mutual je ne sais quoi, that would enhance the experience. Or it's a good and no-risk way to discover that there is no chemistry and not to waste each other's time in taking the encounter further.

12:46 PM  

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