Monday, October 09, 2006

So, here I am in Seattle. I'm still settling in. Actually, I'm still waiting for my things to arrive from New York.

I can't believe the number of Starbucks. At first it was funny, now it's obnoxious.

The fact that dogs practically outnumber people is a good sign.

Sales tax will really kill you, won't it?

I'd forgotten about the hills until I went for a walk.

At first I thought it was creepy, but now I'm getting used to strangers talking to me for no reason at all, just to say hello. I haven't started doing it myself but I'll catch on eventually.

Seattle is a Vietnamese food lover's dream come true.

Does everyone drive a Subaru or what?

Speaking of cars, people actually use their turn signals here. Also, they don't honk all of the time. If you need to merge, they usually let you and if you let someone else merge in front of you, they wave a "thank you". Wow.

When you go into a store, the people are friendly and helpful.

I won't talk about r-a-i-n, or the lack thereof.

While I always enjoy new surroundings and exploring, I do miss my friends. I'm so happy for free long-distance cell phones, email and inexpensive and easy flights, though.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

AND... welcome... nice to meet ya.

1:11 AM  

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