Tuesday, January 09, 2007

First, an update:

- I've purchased the green tea, haven't had a sip yet. I'll do that tonight, since I'm thinking about it.
- I'm reading, but the book, "I Am Charlotte Simmons" by Tom Wolfe is not that great in my opinion even though reviews were positive. I'm about halfway through and am hoping that someone is going to get murdered pretty soon.
- Getting up earlier is not happening and I think it's because I am not a gym member. When I moved to Seattle I exercised outside while I looked into the different gyms. Then, something came up and exercising became infrequent so an outside run every other day or so was enough. Now, I'm ready to get back into my regular exercise schedule (inside) and that may help with my sleeping schedule also.

It's supposed to snow this evening which is a huge deal in Washington. In November an inch of snow caused five-hour traffic delays for evening commuters and people abandoned their vehicles on the freeways. On the east coast, a Nor'easter with three feet of snow doesn't even cause that much trouble. The biggest inconvenience is usually the parking bans, the shoveling and the salt that ruins your shoes. In any case, the city is supposed to be more organized this time around so with any luck an inch of snow won't cause mass chaos.

My schedule over the next four weeks is filling up fast. I'm excited to see some friends I haven't been able to meet with since my move and am flattered to be flown across the country to see them. This is the best time of year to be busy. Regardless of what you're doing, being busy makes the time go by faster and as far as I'm concerned, now that the holidays are over, Spring can't get here fast enough.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I remember when you bought *I Am Charlotte Simmons* on a trip to Boston! You had it with you when we went to Starbucks.

I know you age your books, like wines, before tasting them.

I laughed out loud when you wrote you hope that someone in the book is going to get murdered pretty soon. Kill off the boring characters?

I'll keep buying a ticket to the Massachusetts lottery each week. If I win and get you round trip plane ticket, will you fly to Boston for a latte in Harvard Square with me?

I suppose it has to be a round trip ticket?

Yea for Kate's green tea!

10:53 PM  

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