Thursday, November 09, 2006

I had a photoshoot today. I have no clue how they turned out. It was very different from my last shoot, hopefully different in a good way. I should have a disc in my hand in a week. I'll go through the photos, pick myself to pieces, then send them off to my web designer who will replace my old photos and make a few little changes to the design that I've requested.

Before the website is finished and after I have the disc, I'll post a photo or two on my blog. Just a little teaser.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

No such thing as a little teaser from you. Any teaser from Kate will get all our systems cranked up and racing. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter...

Your existing photos are cool, but you look way cooler in person. No lies, just that photos are an understatement of the real you.

It is exciting to look forward to your new pics and website changes, especially to the chance to see what creative ideas you had for the new projection of your presence in cyberspace.

If you have a did the new photoshoot differ from the prior? Was it West coast studio versus East? Evolution in your ideas? Photographers with differing philosophy and style?

Pictures are great. But, as you wrote, oh for the 500 words spoken in person.

-David (stranded in Boston)

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the teasing began with this 11/9 post. Kate, your admirers are waiting with delicious anticipation for -- what? A West Coast Kate? A sunny Kate? A svelte Kate? A sensuous Kate? A mysterious Kate? A fun Kate? A sultry Kate? An athletic Kate? A bubbly Kate? A “come hither” Kate? The possibilities are endless. Why do you tantalize us so?

9:12 AM  

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