Saturday, February 03, 2007

The woman at the coffee shop I frequent has a slight moustache. She's a young, pretty, pleasant woman. I wondered why she didn't do something about the hair on her face. When I noticed her underarms sporting long brown tufts of hair, I figured it out. For the most part, anyway. I wonder if she thinks it looks good or if she's making a statement? I want to ask, but that would be inappropriate. It doesn't bother me though I think she should wear longer sleeves on her tops if she is handling food. Men aren't allowed to wear tank tops in food service due to armpit hair, the same rule should apply to women.

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I was out shopping after a haircut yesterday afternoon. In the shoe department the women in the next aisle was receiving a call on her cell. The ring tone was Hinder's Lips of an Angel which is about adultry. Knowing the lyrics, I wondered if she was someone's mistress or if she had a boyfriend, or two (or more). It could be she simply likes the song and has no clue that each person hearing her cell phone ring is wondering what type of trouble she's participating in.

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My neighbors may have "More Sex" as number one on their list of New Years Resolutions. Good for them . . . Bad for me. Luckily, they are on dayshift schedules so it doesn't affect my sleep. Nonetheless, I feel like I shouldn't be listening but I can't help it -- it's very quiet in my neighborhood at night. Sometimes when I see them in the hall I want to ask them if they are trying to fix their relationship, if they've just become engaged (I'm not sure of their marital status) or if they are trying for a baby. Really, it's none of my business but I feel like I should be in the know being that I'm a wall and about ten feet from their "efforts".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wherever you are, you are observant. It's a real asset in a writer.

I went to YouTube to hear *Lips of an Angel* and discovered that folks are using Sims2 to create videos for songs. It is probably a well known phenonmenon. Here is one example done for the song.

A refrain in *Lips of an Angel* probably explains why escorts rarely use the first name of a companion in conversation or play with him - even if he is liked and frequently seen. Use of his name will generate out of bounds feelings.

it's really good to hear your voice saying my name
it sounds so sweet
coming from the lips of an angel
hearing those words it makes me weak
and i never wanna say goodbye

Sounds of aerobic sex penetrating through apartment walls can make you feel an unwilling third party in the activity. I once chose a hotel in Tokyo (when working there for 6 weeks) which I had thought was used primarily by Japanese. Wrong. It was favored by honeymooners from Taiwan. And the walls were paper thin. I was awakened almost all night every 30 minutes by intensely high pitched and loud orgasmic joys. No, it was not a Love Hotel. But I changed hotels.

11:29 AM  

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