Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A bit about me . . .

I am unafraid of pitbulls and rottweilers.
But cats freak me out.

I don't really like to shop for clothes.
But I love to shop for food.

My biggest vice: I am a beauty product junkie.

When I was 19 I obtained a fake ID.
I was hardly ever carded.
Now I'm carded most of the time.

I don't think Jon Stewart is all that funny.
But I think he's hot.

I secretly watch South Park.
And 7th Heaven.

One drink will give me a little hangover.
So I rarely drink.
One piece of chocolate molten lava cake with vanilla ice cream and fresh whipped cream will make me ill for two days.
I think it's totally worth it.

People tell me I drive like a maniac.
My driving record is spotless.
So there.

I was the tallest kid in my class until junior high.
Because of this, I have always felt tall, even though I'm not.
Still, I'm reluctant to shop in the petite section.

I think wine is overrated.

I hate to fly.
I think it's insane.
But I do it anyway.
With a smile.

Sometimes I think I can really sing.
Until I turn down the volume.

I eat asparagus with my fingers.
Emily Post says it's perfectly acceptable.

I won a big spelling bee when I was 12.
I'm not sure what happened since then.

I made out with a celebrity once.
Before he was much of a celebrity.
He was drunk.
I won't tell you who it was.
But you would be impressed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Isn't eating asparagus with a fork awkward? Cutting it in little pieces with a knife? What a tedious waste of time.

If it's steamed, slither the stalk into the mouth and nibble off bites. Maybe touched with some butter? More challenging to hold on to it.

But young frsh uncooked asparagus, perhaps briefly steamed, is best. Snappy!

But this entry is about Kate, not asparagus. It was so much fun to read.

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL -- I like your wit.

1:11 AM  

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