Monday, July 17, 2006

When I think of the term, Loving the skin you're in., I think about how we should love or at least accept ourselves the way we are when we're at our best. The contours of our nose, the size of our breasts, the shape of our eyes, our ears, the color of our skin, height, that little belly we cannot rid of, the pear or apple shape we inherited from our parents and the many other features of our body make us who we are physically. Of course, surgery is an option and I do believe it can be a positive solution to certain maladies but not all.

Loving the skin you're in shouldn't mean eating twice the amount of food not meant for human consumption while sitting on your duff except to walk to and from your car. It should go without saying that nourishing your body with rice cakes and lettuce is not healthy, either. The body is a temple and should be treated as such. To abuse it and then accept it's condition is foolish if you want to live a healthy, happy and long life. Not everyone in good health or even in optimum health will resemble a movie star and with busy lives it's important to be realistic when it comes your limitations as well as the limitations of others. Unfortunately, there is no airbrushing in the real world. Imperfections are reality.

If you have seen my photos you may have noticed that I am not necessarily a poster child for Gold's Gym. I had always been in great shape until I graduated from college and started working more than anyone should. I understand what it's like to work many hours, fueling up on coffee and sugar five times per day and then returning home in time to veg on the sofa in front of the TV with a plate of food on your lap before going to bed only to get up early and do it all over again. This, for sure, can wreak havoc on a person's health. Once I parted ways with this lifestyle I became healthy once again only to succomb to an unfortunate accident which left me unable to exercise for a long time. This time, despite not being able to be as active as I would have liked I continued to eat healthy and the body type in my photos is what I ended up with.

Obviously, I didn't feel uncomfortable with a softer, rounder, yet healthy body. It feels quite feminine and to me, I look rich, as in a lot of something good. Perhaps a European at heart, I have always found rubenesque women more attractive than the very skinny or heavily muscled women popular in the media today. To me, a fuller form seems healthier, more pleasing to the touch, more natural. Apparently I was not incorrect in this opinion as there are plenty of gentleman who appreciate a fuller figure on a woman. Regardless of my personal preference, I do believe every healthy body type should be celebrated. There is something to be said for a petite woman with a boyish figure, the athletic type, a more angular body type, as well as an ample woman in good health. The same can be said for hair color, skin color and culture. It doesn't hurt to explore, perhaps venture from your comfort zone and find out how the various body types feel in your hands, against your body, on your lips . . .

As much I've enjoyed my new figure over the past few years in addition to saving the gym fees and the time it takes to actually go, I need to get back to myself. I was given the green light this spring to begin working out as I once had. It's taken time to get back into it, and boy was it tough, but I feel wonderful. I had completely forgotten how amazing it is to move your body, sweat, relieve stress and build muscle. With each visit to the gym I am stronger, I have more endurance, I feel healthier, younger and sexier. I'm almost ready for an arm-wresting competition!

If you haven't seen me in a while I do look different, though not warranting a before and after photo right this minute. I expect to continue down this path and within the next few months I will update my photos. Always wanting to be upfront, I will tell you my photos are similar to how I look now but with a few differences: I am more toned, especially my arms and stomach; my waist, hips and thighs are narrower; and my hair is longer. Otherwise, it's the same me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great essay Kate! You are a woman of compelling natural beauty, but how powerful it is to hear you share your inner thoughts on your body and your self-concepts in your blog. I love the variety nature gives us in the human form, but I am especially vulnerable to the sensual female aesthetic your brilliant DNA has created.

The greatest threat to beauty is when a narrow concept of the beautiful becomes dominant and imagines it can define perfection.

Kate's hair is longer? WooHoo! I love Kate's hair. More is better.

Regarding the following quotes, Kate's only flaw is that she left Boston for New York.

**The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.**
- Henry Ellis

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red:
If snow be white, why then her breasts be dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, - yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go, -
My mistress when she walks, treads on the ground;
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.

- William Shakespeare

10:07 AM  

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