Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just a few more days until my new website is up and running!

Monday, November 27, 2006

My email has been down all day due to last-minute database updating (or something like that). Hopefully it will be up before bedtime. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will get back to you ASAP or you can email me at my alternate email address:

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving with good food, friends and family. I try to make every day count, try to make sure the people in my life know how important they are to me regardless of the time of year, not just through cheap holiday cards. I'm that girl running along the lake, mesmerized by the views and smiling because she can't believe the beauty that surrounds her. Sometimes I notice myself enjoying the air, as though it were a comodity.

Ohmygod it snowed today! An entire inch, even! I'm thoroughly entertained by this.

I am posting a couple more photos to tide you over until my site is updated. Again, they are not edited so my options are limited.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I've received my photos from my photographer. I am quite happy with the way they turned out. My web designer will work on getting them on my site over the next few weeks along with a few additional changes. There are only so many I can post at this time since no photo correcting has taken place in order to conceal identifying marks. As always, more information is available on my website. So, without further delay . . .

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I had a photoshoot today. I have no clue how they turned out. It was very different from my last shoot, hopefully different in a good way. I should have a disc in my hand in a week. I'll go through the photos, pick myself to pieces, then send them off to my web designer who will replace my old photos and make a few little changes to the design that I've requested.

Before the website is finished and after I have the disc, I'll post a photo or two on my blog. Just a little teaser.


Monday, November 06, 2006

I've set an appointment for a photo shoot this Thursday. My current photos are out of date at about a year old. I do hope the changes in my body are evident with the new photos or I will be very disappointed. Photographs are tricky. I'm not convinced that a picture speaks a thousand words. I think it speaks about 500, the other 500 are spoken in person.

In addition to new photos, my website is being updated, as well. I'm not doing a complete overhaul, just some cosmetic changes to shake things up a little. Hopefully, the photos and the website won't take more than a week to do. If you are interested in receiving an email when the finished product is available, please send me a note at or and I will be happy to do so.


Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm waiting around to listen to NPR's bit on Shut Up & Sing, the Dixie Chicks' documentary about their trouble after denouncing President Bush. I'd like to see it, but I don't think it's playing around here. Looks like I'll have to wait for the DVD release on Netflix.

Everyone is talking about Shortbus. I wonder what the movie brings to the table? There's sex. People are drawn to sex. Those who haven't lived in the city have ideas about what it's like to live there based on popular TV shows like Friends, Will & Grace and Sex and the City. They are fun shows, but completely unrealistic. Personally, I'm not sure I'd want to see this movie in the theatre. I'll keep an eye on the reviews and possibly rent it once it's released on DVD.

Running With Scissors was released last weekend and I really want to see it. The book was hilarious and weird, reminding me a tad bit of John Irving's The Hotel New Hampshire if only because of the quirkiness the two books share. The Hotel New Hampshire, the movie, was really bad even though it starred Jodie Foster and Rob Lowe. In the book, sex between siblings didn't seem so wrong but in the movie it was painfully difficult to comprehend and even worse, to watch.

If you haven't seen Little Miss Sunshine you are really missing out! I highly recommend this movie. It's hilarious, intelligent, touching and, did I mention hilarious? I want to see it again and am planning on purchasing it when it's out of the theaters. I'm such a fan of Steve Carell. I remember the first time I saw him in a movie, Bruce Almighty with Jim Carrey. The scene as Jim Carrey controls his speaking gets me everytime even though the movie as a whole isn't great.

Changing subjects . . . I've just heard on NPR that there is a new Wonderbra for men, a Wonderjock I believe, recently released in Australia. It claims to "lift and separate" and is selling quite well. Interesting.
