Sunday, June 25, 2006

It's not about acting, it's about being at your very best.

It's often heard or indicated that escorts are good actresses. I am sure some ladies are great actresses, some terrible, some do it without knowing and others might need to do it more. I can only speak for myself when I say that acting is not my specialty.

I don't bring my personal problems with me on a date. Boring my partner with personal conflicts, why I hate whomever or whatever and my aching (insert body part here) is not how the evening was intended to go. Frankly, it's just as much of an escape for me to be able to spend time with someone who I most likely would not have met under any other circumstances. I relish my experiences, I don't taint them with everyday grievances.

There are challenging times, of course. My life is generally stress-free but if I've had a bad day and am unable to turn the problem around and have a good laugh, I may work out extra hard, treat myself to a massage or turn off my computer and relax on my sunny deck or in a hot bubble bath with a good book. My ability to let go of the bad is remarkable and anyway, I'm just not a complainer.

I will be honest and tell you that not every date is perfect and there are times I must compensate for that. Is it acting? Perhaps, in a sense, yes. Similar to interviewing for a position you really want, sensing that your interviewer is not yet impressed and then making an effort to sway their opinion. It's not about manipulation but making the best out of an imperfect situation where both parties will benefit.

You may argue that when I am at my very best, I am not really myself. An entirely different topic, but they are intertwined nonetheless. My argument would be that I have several "selves". Among others, I have my professional self, my aunt/daughter/sister self, my escort self, my friend self and my alone self. Nobody has met all these selves of mine, which is quite alright, but not to be taken out of context.

Has there been anyone in your life who has met all of your "selves"? If so, did you feel naked and exposed or did you feel relieved and content? Do you have a favorite "self"?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be a witness that you, oh blogger, have a gift for letting go of the bad and stepping back into sunshine.

For instance? Well, that day you drove from NY to Boston, getting a speed warning, only to find your hotel reservation gone. Yet within minutes you were happy, fun to be with, witty and enjoying a latte at a coffee shop.

No one person has seen all sides of me. Not even my super ego (not quite the right term) - because I surely have personas I'm blind to.

My best friend knows me very well, yet there is a self of mine (known to the writer of this blog) which I hope my best friend will not know. I would feel naked indeed if discovered.

I have aler egos. But where is my doppelganger?

9:56 PM  

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